Graham and Becky's share their personal experiences of using Helping Hand.


Graham Oulton is registered blind. Graham describes this as  ' As a result of glaucoma, I have tunnel vision and a major loss of peripheral vision. I don't see the world in the same way as others. My sight loss is progressive and everyday activities - such as getting the bus - can sometimes be more difficult.

Graham is an avid bus user and so relies on the Talking Buses to make his travelling experience easier. The Helping Hand card has also been a contributing factor in making his journey easier and travelling more accessible.

As former head of Brighton & Hove branch of Guide Dogs, Graham was involved and instrumental in the design of the award winning card and his contribution was vital in ensuring the card shared and listed the help that was required by the user.

Graham says

"The Helping Hand card is unlike any other such card I've experienced", he says. "It's the size and sturdiness of a credit card and it's got an indent on the side of the card so as soon as I feel it in my wallet I know it's the Helping Hand card and which way round to show it. I know it helps some people to hail the bus from the bus stop because it's bright yellow."

"It makes going out and about possible for someone like me and that's a lifeline. It gives me independence and dignity."

Graham boarding the bus with his Helping Hand card and assistance dog



There was a time Becky Ellis couldn't travel alone on a bus.

She's a lovely, bubbly outgoing woman, so anyone who didn't know her would find it very difficult to understand why. That's because Becky has a non visible disability. She has learning disabilities and has - in the past - lacked the confidence to get on a bus.

Then six years ago she took part in a travel buddy scheme run by Grace Eyre, a charity that supports people with learning disabilities. She was paired up with someone who also has learning disabilities and travelled around with them for several weeks until she had the confidence to travel alone. Once she started riding the bus independently, she began to experience how difficult it can sometimes be for someone with a non visible disability. Sometimes she found it hard to explain her needs to the driver - it often felt embarrassing to do so. Other customers would sometimes get cross with her for sitting in a priority seat - where Becky has always felt the safest as she's closer to the driver.

Becky showing off her Helping Hand card

Becky's experiences of travelling by bus with a non visible disability has played a critical part in the development of Helping Hand. She worked closely with Brighton & Hove Buses to ensure people with learning difficulties were included in the bus services' accessibility provisions.

"After my conversation, the bus company made sure that one of the messages on the pre-printed Helping Hand card was 'Priority seating required'.

The Helping Hand card helped to make getting around so much easier for Becky. She has used it - as it was intended - for drivers to understand her needs but also for other passengers.

"I just flash it at anyone who says I ought to get up and they understand and let me stay", she says.

Becky now travels confidently by bus and continues to work closely with the bus company such as with the Drama on the Bus scheme in which people with learning disabilities are given a dedicated bus - taken out of service specially for the purpose - on which to role-play the sort of scenarios that have in the past caused them anxiety when they tried travelling by bus. The scheme is run by Grace Eyre with the help of Brighton & Hove Buses.


If you want to know more about Graham or Becky's stories then get in touch:


Call 01273 886222

Email [email protected]