Lost property

If you have left an item on one of our buses, please fill in this form, a member of the team will be in touch if we have managed to find an item matching the description. Alternatively if you wish to contact a member of the customer service team, you can contact them by email at [email protected] or call us on 01273 886200.

Here's some handy information for you to keep in mind. 

  • Due to the volume of enquiries we receive we are unable to contact drivers and ask them to stop and search their bus unless the lost item is deemed to be required urgently. When a driver needs to stop the bus, to take a radio call and search the vehicle, it delays the service which can be frustrating for customers on board. We would like to thank you for your understanding if we are unable to contact the driver straightaway.
  • If we are unable to contact the driver, we will normally know if we have an item matching your description from around 1400 the following working day. However it can take up to 2-3 working days for items to arrive at our Travel Hub and be available for collection.
  • Lost property is not available for collection from bus depots. Bus depots can be dangerous places if you're not familiar with them, and we'd rather keep you safe from harm.
  • We take our responsibility to look after your items very seriously and this process is carefully managed by a small team of dedicated people. This does mean that we are unable to intercept any items in transit to the Travel Hub and we thank you for your patience whilst we make items available for collection.
  • We do our best to match your description of an item you have lost with the information we have on our records. Whilst we do our best, we cannot guarantee an item matching your description is actually your item until you go to view it at the Travel Shop

If your item has been found you can collect it for free from our Travel Hub, 27 North Street, Brighton, BN1 1EB.

We'll do our best to reunite you with your lost property, but we cannot be held responsible for any item left on our vehicles. We always recommend you check you have all your belongings with you before you leave the bus.